Sunday, September 17, 2006

FoxForward - Day 3

Another early rising, dammit! Ed Leafe called me about 8:15 or so to join him for breakfast. Totally cool, though, I wanted to sit with Ed and chat as he's a good man and my wife likes him a lot. My wife is generally the far superior judge of character in the family - me, I'm clueless as a dog and will trot along with whomever has the gristled bone.

We ate and then walked and talked a bit. I returned to my room and packed my stuff up and loaded up the car. I came back down to the main area amd didn't do much besides chit-chat with the conference organizer, Kevin Cully, and his pretty and witty wife, Kim. I poked my head in the door of a few sessions but didn't attend because I really wanted to say my goodbyes to friends before I left - which I had intended to do about noon.

I acutally left around 2. I stayed for the conference lunch and the giveaways. Kevin had a signed box from VFP 8 that Ken Levy had graciously donated to the conference. In fact, I had helped Kevin identify who were behind the signatures and he numbered and tagged a bitmap of the box to accompany the box itself to the prize winner. The winner was a woman named Stacy and I apologize if she reads this as I missed her last name.

So I sailed off into the bright Georgia sunlight trying to find a good sports station on the radio. Found one in time to hear that my beloved Dolphins were getting stymied by Buffalo and turned the radio off in disgust. I had already suffered the pain of the Hurricanes humiliation on Saturday and there's only so much a homer can bear.

This was a good conference, albeit small. The economic model used by Cully was good and I think a model for future cons as I alluded to yesterday. I have to disagree with my friend Andy Kramek that this constituted a threat to SWFox and North American cons as a whole. On the contrary, Kevion Cully's model may be what keeps us able to have viable conferences for years to come.

I look forward to next year.

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